Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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385 lines
Begin VB.Form FTimeIt
BackColor = &H8000000A&
Caption = "Time It"
ClientHeight = 5745
ClientLeft = 1260
ClientTop = 1665
ClientWidth = 9120
BeginProperty Font
Name = "MS Sans Serif"
Size = 8.25
Charset = 0
Weight = 700
Underline = 0 'False
Italic = 0 'False
Strikethrough = 0 'False
Icon = "timeit.frx":0000
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 5745
ScaleWidth = 9120
Begin VB.TextBox txtIteration
Height = 495
Left = 105
TabIndex = 5
Top = 1665
Width = 1575
Begin VB.ListBox lstProblems
Height = 2595
Left = 108
TabIndex = 3
Top = 2595
Width = 3135
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdTimeIt
Caption = "&Time It"
Default = -1 'True
Height = 495
Left = 150
TabIndex = 2
Top = 105
Width = 1215
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit
Cancel = -1 'True
Caption = "E&xit"
Height = 495
Left = 150
TabIndex = 0
Top = 705
Width = 1215
Begin VB.Label Label2
Caption = "Problems:"
Height = 255
Left = 105
TabIndex = 7
Top = 2265
Width = 1215
Begin VB.Label Label1
Caption = "Iterations:"
Height = 255
Left = 105
TabIndex = 6
Top = 1425
Width = 1215
Begin VB.Label lblDescription
Height = 648
Left = 3408
TabIndex = 4
Top = 120
UseMnemonic = 0 'False
Width = 5484
Begin VB.Label lblOutput
Height = 4812
Left = 3384
TabIndex = 1
Top = 840
Width = 5604
Attribute VB_Name = "FTimeIt"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Private problems As New Collection
Private problem As CProblem
Const sLogicalAndVsNestedIf = "Logical And Versus Nested If"
Const sByValVsByRef = "By Value Versus By Reference"
Const sCompareTypeProcessing = "Processing Different Types"
Const sInlineVsFunction = "Inline Versus Procedure"
Const sDeclareVsTypeLib = "Declare Versus Type Library"
Const sFixedVsVariableString = "Fixed Versus Variable String"
Const sCompareLoWords = "LoWord Variations"
Const sCShiftVsBShift = "Shift Versus Multiply or Divide"
Const sIIfVsIfThen = "IIf Versus If/Then/Else"
Const sDollarVsNone = "String Versus Variant Functions"
Const sEmptyVsQuotes = "Empty Versus Blank String"
Const sWithWithout = "Object Access Using With"
Const sMethodVsProc = "Methods Versus Procedures"
Const sForEachVsForI = "For Each Versus For Index"
Const sSortCollectVsArray = "Shuffle, Sort, and Search"
Const sAddCollect = "Add To Collection"
Const sSortRecurseVsIterate = "Recursive Versus Iterative Sorting"
Const sSortNameVsSortPoly = "Compare Sorting Methods"
Const sCompareFindFiles = "Compare File Finding Methods"
Const sCompareExistFile = "Compare File Existence Tests"
Const sFriendVsPublic = "Friend Properties Versus Public Properties"
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim f As Boolean
ChDir CurDir$
txtIteration.Locked = False
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sLogicalAndVsNestedIf
problem.Description = _
"Does Basic short-circuit logical expressions? " & _
"Or does a logical And operation take the " & _
"same time as an equivalent nested If/Then?"
problem.Iterations = 300000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sByValVsByRef
problem.Description = _
"How does the timing of ByVal arguments compare " & _
"to the timing of the default By Reference arguments?"
problem.Iterations = 60000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Description = _
"Compare counting with different types: Integer, " & _
"Long, Single, Double, Currency, and Variant"
problem.Title = sCompareTypeProcessing
problem.Iterations = 500
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sInlineVsFunction
problem.Description = _
"Compare an operation inline with the same " & _
"operation in a function."
problem.Iterations = 30000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sDeclareVsTypeLib
problem.Description = _
"Compare calling an API function through a Declare " & _
"statement to calling through a type library."
problem.Iterations = 30000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sFixedVsVariableString
problem.Description = _
"Compare various operations on variable-length strings with the same " & _
"operations on fixed-length strings."
problem.Iterations = 30000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sCompareLoWords
problem.Description = _
"Compare different methods of getting the low " & _
"word of a long without getting overflow errors"
problem.Iterations = 5000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sIIfVsIfThen
problem.Description = _
"Is IIf faster than an equivalent If/Then/Else block?"
problem.Iterations = 30000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sDollarVsNone
problem.Description = _
"Do Mid and Mid$ do exactly the same thing?"
problem.Iterations = 300
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sEmptyVsQuotes
problem.Description = _
"Compare various forms of empty strings including " & _
"double quotes, sEmpty, Empty, and vbNullString."
problem.Iterations = 10000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sWithWithout
problem.Description = _
"Compare object access using With to equivalent " & _
"fully-specified object access when used both with " & _
"object variables and reference object variables"
problem.Iterations = 3000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sMethodVsProc
problem.Description = _
"Compare direct and indirect (using Set) object operations " & _
"to comparable operations using procedures and variables."
problem.Iterations = 5000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sForEachVsForI
problem.Description = _
"Compare iterating through various collections and arrays " & _
"with For Each to iterating through with For using an index " & _
problem.Iterations = 60
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sSortCollectVsArray
problem.Description = _
"Compare filling, shuffling, sorting, and searching an " & _
"array with the same operations on a collection."
problem.Iterations = 300
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sAddCollect
problem.Description = _
"Compare adding new items to a collection at the " & _
"beginning, middle, and end"
problem.Iterations = 8000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sSortRecurseVsIterate
problem.Description = _
"Compare sorting recursively with sorting iteratively."
problem.Iterations = 200
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sSortNameVsSortPoly
problem.Description = _
"Compare faking procedure variables with a name-space " & _
"hack to faking them with a polymorphic class."
problem.Iterations = 200
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sCompareFindFiles
problem.Description = _
"Compare finding files with Dir$ and with the " & _
"FindFirstFiles API function."
problem.Iterations = 1
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Title = sCompareExistFile
problem.Description = _
"Compare different ways to test for the existence of a file."
problem.Iterations = 500
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
Set problem = New CProblem
problem.Description = _
"Compare calling Friend properties on classes and forms with " & _
"calling equivalent Public properties on classes and forms."
problem.Title = sFriendVsPublic
problem.Iterations = 100000
problems.Add problem, problem.Title
For Each problem In problems
lstProblems.AddItem problem.Title
lstProblems.ListIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub cmdTimeIt_Click()
HourGlass Me
lblOutput.Caption = "Working..."
Dim s As String, cIter As Long
cIter = problem.Iterations
Select Case problem.Title
Case sLogicalAndVsNestedIf
s = LogicalAndVsNestedIf(cIter)
Case sByValVsByRef
s = ByValVsByRef(cIter)
Case sCompareTypeProcessing
s = CompareTypeProcessing(cIter)
Case sInlineVsFunction
s = InlineVsFunction(cIter)
Case sDeclareVsTypeLib
s = DeclareVsTypeLib(cIter)
Case sFixedVsVariableString
s = FixedVsVariableString(cIter)
Case sCompareLoWords
s = CompareLoWords(cIter)
Case sIIfVsIfThen
s = IIfVsIfThen(cIter)
Case sDollarVsNone
s = DollarVsNone(cIter)
Case sEmptyVsQuotes
s = EmptyVsQuotes(cIter)
Case sWithWithout
s = WithWithout(cIter)
Case sMethodVsProc
s = MethodVsProc(cIter)
Case sForEachVsForI
s = ForEachVsForI(cIter)
Case sSortCollectVsArray
s = SortCollectVsArray(cIter)
Case sAddCollect
s = AddCollect(cIter)
Case sSortRecurseVsIterate
s = SortRecurseVsIterate(cIter)
Case sSortNameVsSortPoly
s = SortNameVsSortPoly(cIter)
Case sCompareFindFiles
s = CompareFindFiles(cIter)
Case sCompareExistFile
s = CompareExistFile(cIter)
Case sFriendVsPublic
s = CompareFriendVsPublic(cIter)
End Select
HourGlass Me
BugMessage problem.Description
BugMessage "Iterations: " & problem.Iterations
BugMessage s
lblOutput.Caption = s
End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub lstProblems_DblClick()
End Sub
Private Sub txtIteration_Change()
Dim i As Long
i = Val(txtIteration.Text)
If i Then
problem.Iterations = i
txtIteration.Text = problem.Iterations
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lstProblems_Click()
Dim s As String
lblOutput = sEmpty
s = lstProblems.List(lstProblems.ListIndex)
Set problem = problems(s)
lblDescription.Caption = problem.Description
txtIteration.Text = problem.Iterations
txtIteration.SelStart = 0
txtIteration.SelLength = Len(txtIteration.Text)
End Sub
Public Property Get ProcProp() As Long
ProcProp = 1
End Property
Friend Property Get FriendProp() As Long
FriendProp = 1
End Property